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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Willamette Valley

    Default Freehand end hit-detect

    I've been using x1.1 for a while, and have decided to get up to speed with xp3.21.

    One of my frustrations with older versions was that I was often unable to close freehand lines into shapes because the "end hit-detect" was too small; seemed like one or two pixels instead of the current (adjustable) 12.

    However now, when I draw horizontal lines closely together -- like hatch marks -- they tend to connect into each other as concatenated lines or narrow shapes. I decreased the "Freehand end hit-detect" value to see if it controlled both line proximity and shape completion, and it does.

    I would find it useful to have separate end-hit settings for discrete lines and for lines that fold around into shapes... Or, as a perhaps simpler alternative, I'd be content to set a small end-hit value, and press a modifier key to have the end of a freehand line connect to it's beginning. That function doesn't currently exist, does it?

    Another thing I noticed in xp3.21 -- drawing shapes freehand with no line width and with 'give most recent attribute' checked -- if I accidentally fail to close a shape, I get a .67px line which carries over to the next shape. In my estimation, the times this behavior might be useful as opposed to annoying are not great. Any way to change this back to the way it used to work, so a line width of 'none' isn't automatically changed when a shape isn't completed?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Freehand end hit-detect

    Hi Ned

    You can try this [which you may already know of course ]

    deselect everything [esc]
    select the previous shape that you drew closed with transparency and no line width and press ctrl-c which resets the attributes [and note also overwrites the clipboard].
    you should then be back to how you were.

    good point regarding the freehand end-detect.
    that caused me no end of frustration drawing hair until I realised what was happening.
    certainly need some sort of option here.
    Last edited by handrawn; 24 June 2007 at 07:47 AM.
    Nothing lasts forever...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Willamette Valley

    Default Re: Freehand end hit-detect

    Thanks steve, that does help.

    I didn't realize ctrl-c alone would reset the attributes; I've been using ctrl-c, ctrl-shift-A all these years...

    And I can definitely see how your avatar's hair would be subject to ourobouric end-hits.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Freehand end hit-detect

    Quote Originally Posted by Ned Addie View Post
    Thanks steve, that does help.

    I didn't realize ctrl-c alone would reset the attributes; I've been using ctrl-c, ctrl-shift-A all these years...

    ctrl-c resets the attributes 'held' but you would need to use ctrl-shift-A as well, if you did not have 'give new objects most recent attributes' ticked, in order to paste them in [I think]

    Quote Originally Posted by Ned Addie View Post

    And I can definitely see how your avatar's hair would be subject to ourobouric end-hits.

    Fortunately I am not one of those who finds big words hard to swallow.

    The avatar was drawn in pencil, scanned, vectored in inkscape, colored in xara - and lived to tell the tail. [ ]
    Last edited by handrawn; 24 June 2007 at 09:18 AM. Reason: typo
    Nothing lasts forever...

  5. #5

    Default Re: Freehand end hit-detect

    hahaha excellent - I must admit I needed to look that one up!





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