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  1. #51

    Default Re: Xtreme Pro 3.2 & Xtreme 3.2 Released!

    Quote Originally Posted by mongarem View Post
    The filter used for importing RAW is dcraw.exe
    This is a exellent program for this job.
    But it is not a newly written program, I even costs nothing, it is freeware.
    A good point.

    People who shoot RAW are usually fairly keen digital photographers and have a decent enough dcam (low-end cams don't save as RAW) to match.
    This being the case they likely have enough RAW developers tools already and would not benefit at all from a RAW import feature added to a vector illustration application. I use Lightroom personally, however aside from the RAW converter/developer that is bundled with the dcam, even the terrific and free PICASA from Google will deal with RAW and save as JPG. Drag'n'Drop from PICASA to XARA is *always* how I import a photo. A perfect solution to finding the right photo for Xara workflow.
    So I agree, RAW import is of little value as an update to XARA and not worth paying for.

  2. #52
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Default Re: Xtreme Pro 3.2 & Xtreme 3.2 Released!

    Quote Originally Posted by stlewis View Post
    For those of us who use XPro some or all of the time professionally, the tweaks will save most of us at least an hour a month so that will pay. And for the others, either don't upgrade or regard it as a charitable donation which keeps Xara interested in upgrading our favourite software.
    Really? Like what? I don't see anything but bloat in this upgrade, as an excuse to charge us for bug-fixes. If this is what Magix brings to the table, I'm not sure I want any. This is Xtremely disappointing to me.
    Quote Originally Posted by NeilH View Post
    - To ugrade or not to upgrade. As I mentioned in the announcement at the start of this thread, 3.2 is only a point upgrade for Pro users because 3.0 is only a few months old.
    Since when does time determine version numbers? That is just absurd.
    ...new filters that have been developed such as XPS and SVG export.
    I hope they work better than the existing filters. Last Friday I tried to export a simple graphic for a T-shirt - a rectangle, four words of text and a couple of registration marks - and I couldn't get it to work as a .cmx [32 bit] or .ai. Worse still, it somehow corrupted the file afterwards rendering it completely unopenable.
    Quote Originally Posted by mongarem View Post
    Now with the introduction of the german partner Magix, it suddenly all changes.
    Yes, instead of getting bug-fix patches for free in a timely manner, we now have to put up with the bugs until a few useless things are thrown in to justify an upgrade charge. Very impressive.

    I cannot overstate my disappointment at this turn of events. I was wondering why we hadn't had the usual patches since Pro was released, now I know. Is there a list of big-fixes somewhere so I can decide if enough useful work has been done to justify the upgrade price, which I think is what I originally paid for Xara 2.0? I certainly don't want to have to overwrite my current installation just to decide I won't be upgrading [for the first time in 9 years].

  3. #53
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Default Re: Xtreme Pro 3.2 & Xtreme 3.2 Released!

    Xara (Magix),
    Thank you for the XaraXtremePro upgrade opportunity, but I think I'll pass for now; not enough bang for my buck. There are some nice new features, but nothing I can't easily live without. I'm sure many others will find the upgrade well worth the price.

  4. #54
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    The Netherlands

    Default Re: Xtreme Pro 3.2 & Xtreme 3.2 Released!

    Quote Originally Posted by BQ View Post
    Xara (Magix),
    Thank you for the XaraXtremePro upgrade opportunity, but I think I'll pass for now; not enough bang for my buck. There are some nice new features, but nothing I can't easily live without. I'm sure many others will find the upgrade well worth the price.
    I did upgrade, but the upgrades are meager, but the good strong euro
    now, made me decide to upgrade anyway, but they better not try
    this meager upgrade system again in half a year.

    The upgrade price is what Magix normally charges for their full software.
    But Xtreme is ofcourse better, I understand that, but 49 dollar is a bit steap
    for what you get. Could have bought me a nice full game too.

    But I let it slide this time.
    be aware, not to become a ware.

  5. #55

    Default Re: Xtreme Pro 3.2 & Xtreme 3.2 Released!

    I like the new version of Xtreme Pro, but there are a couple of glitches that I can't figure out how to get around.

    1. When I draw a line, as soon as the end of the line gets close to the beginning of the line it snaps the two ends together. Sometimes this is what I want to happen, but other times I don't want it to happen. How can I prevent this automatic snapping? In the previous version it would only close the shape when the two ends touched. Now it happens when the two ends are close.

    2. The other thing is that when I draw a line with a stroke shape and want to change the line, I would double click on a new stroke shape in the line gallery. This would change only the line selected. However, now when I do this, it not only changes the shape of the line but resets the shape for any future lines drawn. I liked it better how it used to be--double clicking on a shape while a line was selected only resulted in that one line changing--not resetting the shape altogether.

    Is there anything I can do to change these two things? If not, I may go back to the previous version of Pro.

  6. #56
    NeilH is offline Xara Group Ltd. Development Manager Member
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    Default Re: Xtreme Pro 3.2 & Xtreme 3.2 Released!

    Quote Originally Posted by ZEBtoonz View Post
    I like the new version of Xtreme Pro, but there are a couple of glitches that I can't figure out how to get around.

    1. When I draw a line, as soon as the end of the line gets close to the beginning of the line it snaps the two ends together. Sometimes this is what I want to happen, but other times I don't want it to happen. How can I prevent this automatic snapping? In the previous version it would only close the shape when the two ends touched. Now it happens when the two ends are close.

    2. The other thing is that when I draw a line with a stroke shape and want to change the line, I would double click on a new stroke shape in the line gallery. This would change only the line selected. However, now when I do this, it not only changes the shape of the line but resets the shape for any future lines drawn. I liked it better how it used to be--double clicking on a shape while a line was selected only resulted in that one line changing--not resetting the shape altogether.
    Issue 1: There's no option in the UI for changing this currently, but you can change a value in the registry to reduce the size of the radius used to decide whether it should auto-close. Edit:-

    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Xara\XaraXtremePro\Opti ons\Selection Blob Sizes\Freehand end hit-detect

    and change it's value from 12 to (say) 2. This will make the hit radius 2 pixels instead of 12. We should add an entry into the Options dialog for this in the future. Will note. For Xtreme 3.2 users, the registry location is as above, but with "XaraXtreme3.2" instead of "XaraXtremePro" in the path.

    Issue 2: Well spotted. This is a bug - it should only do what you describe if you have 'give new objects most recent attributes' on in the options dialog. We'll fix this.



  7. #57
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Xtreme Pro 3.2 & Xtreme 3.2 Released!

    Yes this freehand tool 'hit radius' change is a very definite mixed blessing - thanks for the registry tip Neil.
    Nothing lasts forever...

  8. #58

    Default Re: Xtreme Pro 3.2 & Xtreme 3.2 Released!

    Thanks, Neil! The first problem was resolved doing the registry edit you suggested. Thanks, that's a big help! As for the second problem, I guess I'll have to wait for the fix.

    Another thing, for some reason the zoom shortcuts of using the number keys 1 2 3 4, doesn't work. It works with the Ctrl+Shift 1 2 3 4, but not just the plain keys as it's supposed to. Any suggestions for this?

  9. #59
    Join Date
    May 2002

    Default Re: Xtreme Pro 3.2 & Xtreme 3.2 Released!

    sorry i did not have time to read all the previous posts, but I am hoping that the next major release for pro will have import and exports corrected, example can not import pdf and illustrator cs and such.

  10. #60
    NeilH is offline Xara Group Ltd. Development Manager Member
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    Apr 2004

    Default Re: Xtreme Pro 3.2 & Xtreme 3.2 Released!

    Quote Originally Posted by ZEBtoonz View Post
    Thanks, Neil! The first problem was resolved doing the registry edit you suggested. Thanks, that's a big help! As for the second problem, I guess I'll have to wait for the fix.

    Another thing, for some reason the zoom shortcuts of using the number keys 1 2 3 4, doesn't work. It works with the Ctrl+Shift 1 2 3 4, but not just the plain keys as it's supposed to. Any suggestions for this?
    Your second problem is fixed in 3.2.1 which you can pick up from our web site now. See http://www.talkgraphics.com/showthread.php?t=27936.

    If your zoom shortcuts (or other new 3.2 shortcuts) don't work, it's most likely because you still have customised shortcuts that you setup with 3.0. Unfortunately there is no way of picking up the new 3.2 shortcuts while also keeping hold of your customisations. So to reset your shortcuts to the 3.2 defaults, run up the shortcuts tool and choose "Reset all shortcuts" in the Shortcuts menu, then Save & Apply. Then restart Pro and you should find that the zoom shortcuts work.





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