Re: Giving up on Xara! It's not commercial software...
Thanks for the comments everyone!
Originally Posted by
Derek is right.
Its actually quite rare to hear a regular xara user knock the interface...
The general interface of Xara ix pretty good, imo. The only thing I can think of off the top of my head which I have recurring troubles with is when I have one straight line which consists of two points. The editing tools of Xara always wants to create a closed object out of it if I'm editing both ends, so I need to deselect it between each alteration I make. Also, I've found no easy way of extending a line in one direction along its tangency.
But the palettes, those are the one caught in interaction stone age. They display virtually no information beyond its very singular purpose. No information what's in a layer and no information how a named object looks like, for example.
Also, I ask, while Xara was innovative five or even ten years ago, what have they done lately?
How about a view mode which colors every object with an outline according to which layer its in? Or for example, something which will let me know what will be exported as a bitmap and what will retain its scalability.
Alias invented the radial menu, Macromedia invented (?) the tiling palette interface, there have been whole new interaction paradigms developed in recent years, and Xara has stood completely still.
I know that you all still think Xara is a perfect like the wheel, but some day someone is going to invent flying, and then you'll be stuck on the ground (uuurrrgh... that was a horrible metaphor, sorry for that... I guess I'm trying to say again that Illustrator and Photoshop is used commercially and are constantly moving forward, while Xara isn't).
Last edited by eobet; 08 June 2007 at 08:30 PM.
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