Quote Originally Posted by LonK View Post
The texture can be dealt with during scanning. Basically, you scan twice -- scan, rotate 180, scan again. Blending (overlay) these two will cancel much of the texture shadowing caused by the scanner light source. (There are many other methods.)
Would you mind pointing me to some links discussing this issue? I know that my scanning techniques could be better.

For the above method, any hints on how to accurately align the 2 back into one so they overlay properly? I wonder about rotation problems etc.

I mentioned having Xara but meant to say that this is how I became aware of the TalkGraphics site. I am by no means experienced in any graphics software so I definately appreciate any hints on techniques to use at the start rather than stumbling to find them on my own.

I do now have a copy of PhotoShop 6 so I think I will stick with it for now unless a strong reason arises not to.