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  1. #31

    Default Re: Feature Request: LivePaint / Paint Bucket tool

    I asked for this last year (amongst other things), but was told, by Charles Moir, not to expect it anytime soon.

    I was given a work-a-round, by forum regulars, that will create vector shapes inbetween lines and fill enclosed spaces, but compared to flood fill this is long-winded and can be fiddly

    That is; to select all lines, convert to shapes, put a vector shape behind the lines (a rectangle filling the canvas) and subtract the lines from the shape, -presto vector shapes that fill the spaces.But because of the inaccuracies when Xtreme cuts or subtracts shapes there are sometimes little 'gaps', between the shapes and lines, that must be manually adjusted.

    In some cases it is possible to 'trap' the interior vector shapes, behind the lines, by expanding them one or two pixels (using the contour tool), but again time and effort make other programmes solutions to this much more attractive.

    Having said that, an actions function would make such work-a-rounds much simpler, in many cases just a single click, but when I suggested this it didn't meet with much positive response either.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Default Re: Feature Request: LivePaint / Paint Bucket tool

    Quote Originally Posted by MarkMyWords View Post
    Having said that, an actions function would make such work-a-rounds much simpler, in many cases just a single click, but when I suggested this it didn't meet with much positive response either.
    But there was positive response. The only problem is, that you'll find too often users, who are concerned about their own wish list and also concerned about Xara's developers. The other problem is, that most of the users like "their" Xara Xtreme so much, that they don't like to hear criticisms. Finally, it's really sensational, how many people are in love with this software. And we are a part of them.

    Last edited by remi; 10 April 2007 at 06:38 PM.

  3. #33
    Join Date
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    Lisbon, Portugal

    Default Re: Feature Request: LivePaint / Paint Bucket tool

    Quote Originally Posted by remi View Post
    The other problem is, that most of the users like "their" Xara Xtreme so much, that they don't like to hear criticisms. Finally, it's really sensational, how many people are in love with this software. And we are a part of them.

    True! I´m sure Xara loves that kind of problematic users

  4. #34

    Default Re: Feature Request: LivePaint / Paint Bucket tool

    There are some small 'faults' or inaccuracies in Xtreme that should be addressed, but I think that apart from that, it has pure vector art pretty much covered.

    For future versions, I think greater attention should to be given to the needs of those who use bitmap programmes. If Xtreme is to expand it needs to pay attention to this market, which is after all the biggest sector of computer graphics, by far.

    Xtreme could so easily, bring in many 'bitmap artists'. I do most of my illustration in Photoshop, but would love to move entirely to Xtreme.

    I'm not talking about a fundamental change in the programme, merely an 'adjustment' in the thinking.

    Some quite simple additions of functionality could make the move from bitmap to vector an easy step.

    With all the workarounds I have seen, that can emulate the way some bitmap tools work, an actions palette would go a long way toward this.

    I can, with work arounds, emulate a fill tool, some masking techniques, even natural media effects, but such operations can be complex and time consuming, so it is much easier to use a bitmap programme.

    And what's with the airbrush? It is so close to being useful for painting, but not quite there that it's painful. At least allow it to use the current colour and not keep going back to bloody purple LOL!

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Dunoon, Scotland

    Default Re: Feature Request: LivePaint / Paint Bucket tool

    Can I with draw my statements from the start of this thread, just used this yesterday and found it great in Illy CS3. The ability to change the fill of the whole drawing to 2 colours or to greyscale or what ever you like is quite a utility is something else if that is the proposal here.
    Design is thinking made visual.

  6. #36

    Default Re: Feature Request: LivePaint / Paint Bucket tool

    I'm not looking to turn Xara into a massively bloated pseudo bitmap programme. I love it for all the same reasons others do, but I know damn well bitmap programmes do some things better.

    Xara actually comes very close to emulating some of these functions, but not quite. So close in fact that I seriously believe that with a little 'out of the box' thinking, Xara could make bitmap 'painting' almost obsolete.

    We have all seen some of the amazing 'paintings' created with Xtreme and all in vectors. As a bitmap based illustrator I would love to be able to move entirely to vector art, specifically to Xtreme, but no matter how vector enthusiasts cut it , bitmap programmes have some better functions.

    Xtreme is easy and intuitve to use, until you try to 'fill' spaces, 'airbrush' within a masked area, erase or create complex and natural brushes. Are these things beyond a vector programme?

    Anyone must see the advantages of a vector fill tool. Especially those who are cartoonists or create lots of line drawings.

    What is masking, but a sort of 'live' clipview?

    An 'eraser' is just another (more efficient) way of slicing/cutting a shape or stroke.

    The only 'major' work I think, should be to Xaras brush engine. It stamps images down and allows variations within a single stroke, which is all fine and dandy, but the option to allow variation between strokes would add a whole lot. For painting textures; fur, grass, grunge, etc. or emulating natural media. And the option to 'stretch' a single image/brush along a stroke, instead of just stamping it, would be great.

    Oh yes, and can I have an actions palette please Santa.

    Of course even if I got all my wishes granted, I would still want more LOL!

  7. #37
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    Jan 2006

    Default Re: Feature Request: LivePaint / Paint Bucket tool

    The art is, to implement these functions in such a way that they offers the upsetting advantages of a vector graphic: editable and scalable all the time.

    I'm not sure, which software company is able to go the next step into this direction.


  8. #38
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    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Feature Request: LivePaint / Paint Bucket tool

    Quote Originally Posted by MarkMyWords View Post

    We have all seen some of the amazing 'paintings' created with Xtreme and all in vectors. As a bitmap based illustrator I would love to be able to move entirely to vector art, specifically to Xtreme, but no matter how vector enthusiasts cut it , bitmap programmes have some better functions.

    Xtreme is easy and intuitve to use, until you try to 'fill' spaces, 'airbrush' within a masked area, erase or create complex and natural brushes. Are these things beyond a vector programme?

    Anyone must see the advantages of a vector fill tool. Especially those who are cartoonists or create lots of line drawings.
    Oh YES! YES! YES!

    Give me but these 2 things:

    a 'magic' eraser to erase within boundaries and a means to fill spaces within boundaries -
    and I could as good as throw photoshop in the bin.

    Sort the brushes - ditto painter

    ah is it that long to Christmas

    EDIT - oh I almost forgot - being able to select a named color value within a bitmap - that would be really nice too [sigh]

    Quote Originally Posted by remi View Post
    The art is, to implement these functions in such a way that they offers the upsetting advantages of a vector graphic: editable and scalable all the time.

    I'm not sure, which software company is able to go the next step into this direction.


    yes indeed.
    I was reminded elsewhere that psp9[jasc] is very good at editable/scalable/zoomable.
    Last edited by handrawn; 18 April 2007 at 02:33 PM.
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  9. #39
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    Jan 2006

    Default Re: Feature Request: LivePaint / Paint Bucket tool

    Quote Originally Posted by handrawn View Post
    I was reminded elsewhere that psp9[jasc] is very good at editable/scalable/zoomable.
    I don't know PSP in detail, but the problem is, that Jasc was bought up from Corel (in 2004) and you know Corel...

  10. #40

    Default Re: Feature Request: LivePaint / Paint Bucket tool

    I've just been looking at the latest Beta of Microsoft Expression, Blimey!

    They have done a lot of work on it since I last checked it out, the interface has been completely redesigned, very slick, and the functions simplified and presented in a far more straight-forward way.

    They are now including bitmap or vector elements in brushes (before it was all bitmap) and you can make a mask from any object (vector or bitmap), gradient fills and transparency, real time updates for tools and functions. This looks a damn sight better than the last edition.

    I might try out the demo, if I can make time. Even so, I wasn't impressed with Expressions workflow last time I tried it and that is unlikely to have changed significantly, but we can live in hope.

    I still think Xtreme could wipe the floor with Expression, - with a little work.



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