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Thread: Creating Tables

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Creating Tables

    Hi All

    I've tried a search through the forum and so far have been unable to find any guidance.
    I am trying to create a table, empty not tabular data.
    Is it possible or is it a case of coping and pasting boxes together..?
    I'm trying to create an empty table like the one below:

    empty table

    Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated.. thank you


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Creating Tables

    welcome ops_monkey

    Like this?

    EDIT sorry this is for xara my mistake
    Last edited by handrawn; 17 February 2007 at 01:14 PM.
    Nothing lasts forever...

  3. #3

    Default Re: Creating Tables

    you can copy and past or import an Excel chart or go to edit "Insert new Object". Provided you have excel, it should be in the list.

    You also have the graph paper tool which may help.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Lancaster, CA, USA

    Default Re: Creating Tables

    Besure you have guidelines and snap is turned on to the highest. I'd just draw the outer box, determine how many lines I'd need/ in the box width measurement on the Property Bar enter "/" after the measurement being sure the constraining lock is unlocked. The "/" represented divide by. Then inter the number of spaces you want to divide this space by. Suppose you need 10 spaces, then divide by 10. Move this box to the top of your chart. Using the transform docker, duplicate this rectangle 9 times down the page with it's height measurement as a negative number. You now have a perfectly spaced box.

    Alternate methode is to use the blend tool with two horizontal lines, one at the top, the other at the bottom, figure out how many intermediate lines you need and in the box which defaults to "20", enter this figure. You now have evenly spaced horizontal lines. Since you usually don't need that many lines and they are often not even spaces across vertically, just hold down the ctrl key and draw a line from top to bottom. The ctrl key assures you draw a perfect vertical or horizontal line. Then select the line, drag and right click to copy the line wherever you need it. Your chart is complete except for text.

    CorelDRAW is capable of work decorative charts and graphs than Excel. Embedded documents in a DRAW document are possible, but if you are working for print, it is better often to bring it in as a .pdf and break the association with Excel especially when dealing with color, spot color especially.
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by sallybode; 18 February 2007 at 07:05 PM.
    Every day's a new day, "draw" on what you've learned.

    Sally M. Bode

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Creating Tables

    Thank you very much Sally.
    Your information is quite 'hardcore' but i'll give it a go.
    Fantastic pdf, you must be the queen of Corel Draw
    I wish i were as talented, im only a novice really

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Lancaster, CA, USA

    Default Re: Creating Tables

    I work in CorelDRAW at my work 40 hours a week. Though we do also use, QuarkXpress, InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, PageMaker, MS Publisher, DRAW is our primary program for all work.

    There really is a lot you can do with the program. And it seems there are not many books, certainly not when you go to a bookstore, however there are some really good books available via Amazon.com and also as used books, available quite cheaply, some of my books, I've gotten for just a couple of bucks.

    Some of the best resources are tutorials at unleash.com, and free tutorials at clicknclearn.com. Both offer tutorials also for sale, but clicknlearn is just too expensive for my blood. Fostern Coburn, III and Jeff Harrison have a really helpful site. Although it doesn't look as high tech as it really is, there is a lot of information there for the DRAW user.

    As Xara in many ways works similar to DRAW, tutorials at the Xaraxone, are often applicable to DRAW as well. Gary Priester writes most of those tutorials but you will find he has written tutorials for DRAW also to be found at unleash.com.

    Reading tutorials isn't enough, it is going through the steps that is handy. Best resource for learning DRAW are the CorelDRAW 12.0 ebook on CD and the newer one on DVD for X3, also an ebook, both by Foster Coburn, III. It is money well-spent. It saves you time ultimately as it speeds your work flow up significantly.

    Some things are not shown especially, as the advantage of using the color docker vs. the default color palette which is there when you install DRAW.
    In the end, many ways do not make a big difference. It is a blessing to know all of them, as in that way, you can choose what is the best advantage to you.

    I find that if I have to trace something by hand, I'll use Xara and then import that back into DRAW because tracing is easier in that program. I am for using what works and is most efficient.

    The new X3 offers the best automated tracing although, there are times that tracing by hand, there is no way around it. So long as customer's only logo is no their website, that is not good for print, you have to do better for them, you trace either from the automated PowerTRACE in X3 or the lesser one in earilier versions of DRAW.

    Other resources on the web of note are oberonplace.com, it specializes in scripting or automation of DRAW.

    There are newsletters that many of these sites send out, it is worth to subscribe as it is free.

    Learn PhotoPaint, it is the sister application to DRAW and works seamlessly with it, far better and faster than importing bitmaps via Photoshop.

    I started out first with Illustrator and thought that was the better program, when you know both, you have the ability to tell which is more efficient. Even in comparison to Illy on a MAC, CorelDRAW on PC is faster in most cases. plus it is multi-page, Illy is one page. How does one page beat many, Illy seems to think that is better, ask yourself if a car came with the wheels as accessories, how useful that car would be, if the engine was an accessory. You buy InDesign for mulitipage documents, Illustrator for drawings, Photoshop for bitmaps and Acrobt for making .pdfs. And DRAW does all of that and costs less than Illustrator and you get PhotoPaint, the ability to make .dpf and you have the ability to do up to a 50 page book. It is powerful software.

    I think outside the box.

    If it works, that's for me.
    Every day's a new day, "draw" on what you've learned.

    Sally M. Bode

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Default Re: Creating Tables

    hello ppls i would like to help me
    I have a problem with Coreldraw12. When I copying a table from excel into coreldraw showing also a black line at the left side of the table and I can't remove it.This line doesn't exist when i create the table in excel.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Lancaster, CA, USA

    Default Re: Creating Tables

    If it is an ongoing problem, it is something to find out why DRAW sees a line which isn't there. But then again, Microsoft is not a WYSIWYG product, often it is a printing problem. But you need to get rid of it. You could cover it up with electronic whiteout, such as a white line or a narrow white box, or you could go into Excel and check the properties of where DRAW sees a line, and make sure there is no line there, not one set to 10% which may not be visible on your LCD monitor but it will print.

    Or you could put the info coming in from Excel in a PowerClip.
    Every day's a new day, "draw" on what you've learned.

    Sally M. Bode




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