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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Default Re: Flash preloader... SQF page forwarding...

    Another faux pre-loader ...

    Attached Files Attached Files
    "Intbel" ... "Can't" is not an option.

    Compliance is futile. Resistance is futile. Just do your own thing an' ignore 'em.

  2. #12

    Default Re: Flash preloader... SQF page forwarding...

    "SWF files Stream. They continue to load the whole swf file even if the first frame has a stop action"

    EGG, The 1st page of my seven page "site" in SWF has a photo, 550x350, some 57k. You're saying I should make that my second page, and put a 1st page with a fake rectangle on it that says generically, "here comes the picture!"?

    What happens is that on loading, you just get a white internet explorer page, like the site may not be up, and then seconds later, the site just pops up, fully loaded. From what youre saying, the site should load that 1st picture, ( which doesnt take 3 seconds to load) immediately, and load the rest in the background. In practice, it appears like it wants to load the whole swf into memory 1st, then play it. Of course, you know better than I.

    In my experience ( again, I defer to you as I am probably wrong ), the whole flash site loads while you see the "loading" preloader, then in a few seconds, bang, everything is there and operational.

    Anyway, your file is interesting. The drawing is behind the photo, and the photo takes longer than the drawing to load. Therefore, the drawing is loaded 1st, then when the photo finally loads, it covers the "preloader" drawing...

    Shall try.

    And now that I know there's a flash group, I'll post these there.

    Egg, one day I'll need to get your mailing address so I can send you a bottle of Knockando or something.

    EDIT: OK, I tried putting a rectangle under the picture that loads on the 1st frame of my SWF. ( I have a background with nav buttons, then frame 1 with a picture, then frames 2-7 with various text and 3 more pictures ). It did nothing for the loading-- you do not see my "loading" rectangle immediately, followed by the picture when all is loaded. Instead, after 3, 3.5 seconds, you just see -blam- the whole site all at once. It's almost as if it is not streaming, and, in fact, internet exporer is just downloading the whole swf, then when it's in cache, displayes page 1. Any other ideas? I think what I need to do ( and I dont know why your idea, EGG, is inefectual here) is do 2 separate SWF, no? I need to find out more about the _level command maybe.
    Last edited by Tallis; 19 December 2006 at 02:06 PM.

  3. #13

    Default Re: Flash preloader... SQF page forwarding...


    I couldnt find through various mutations of search any javascript to preload swf at the site you mentioned.

    I haven't gotten anywhere with Han's _level idea yet, so searched more on the javascript angle and did find this-


    and the 1st choice seems believable-


    I'll try it.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Harwich, Essex, England

    Default Re: Flash preloader... SQF page forwarding...

    Hi Tallis,

    It can soon become very difficult to follow what's happening with your mini site without viewing it or having the source xar files. If you pm me I'll send you my email address and perhaps you could send me your xar files?

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  5. #15

    Default Re: Flash preloader... SQF page forwarding...

    Sorry about that. Got wordy in my excitement. Sure.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Tampa Bay, Florida

    Default Re: Flash preloader... SQF page forwarding...

    Here is a link to one of their preloaders that I have used and it works very well. It will preload all types of files. You can also build a page around it.http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamici...eloadimage.htm

  7. #17

    Default Re: Flash preloader... SQF page forwarding...

    thanks arid,

    i tried the one you referenced, and also the II version under it in the list of picture effects... Neither seem to work after following the directions, but I'll tinker.

    I think it's because I use a javascript to load the swf ( to avoid the ie7 -click here to activate this flash move- thing ), and now I'm trying to use javascript to preload something I already was loading with javascript....

    I should just keep the javascript preloader you reference, and just load the swf through the code that xara's animation export html page gives.

    ------code i'm using to load swf, separate from the preloader topic

    <script type="text/javascript" src="swfobject.js"></script>
    <div id="id5699">
    Loading Flash movie...

    <script type="text/javascript">
    var so5699 = new SWFObject("website.swf", "movie5699", "850", "550", "6", "#FFFFFF");
    so5699.addParam("loop", "true");
    </script><!-- ***** END OF ANIMATION CODE ***** -->
    Last edited by Tallis; 20 December 2006 at 04:15 AM.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Default Re: Flash preloader... SQF page forwarding...


    take look here for another way to deal with IE(clicktoactivate)

    If using more js.script(in the htmlfile) they might conflict and fail


  9. #19

    Default Re: Flash preloader... SQF page forwarding...

    thanks haakoo- will try. i will use that and revert to calling the flash via the html code produced along with the xara animation export.

    i did indeed have 2 (competing?) xxxxx.js files referenced in my main html page, perhaps that's why the preloader never really worked-- neither version I,II of the above link.

    either it would load ( after a blank page and a 3-4 second pause) , or the preloader would load and would never hook into the next page. i triple checked all the references to pages and calling javascripts...

    thanks again, and will continue with the next attempt...

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Tampa Bay, Florida

    Default Re: Flash preloader... SQF page forwarding...

    Conflict can and will be fixed.
    It's usually the body ONLOAD event handler.
    Resolving this conflict is simple.

    EXAMPLE #1:
    SCRIPT 1: <body onload="dothis()">
    SCRIPT 2: <body onload="dothat()">
    RESOLUTION: <body onload="dothis();dothat()">

    EXAMPLE #2:
    SCRIPT 1: <body onload="dothis()">
    SCRIPT 2: window.onload=dothat()
    RESOLUTION: <body onload="dothis();dothat()">

    EXAMPLE #3:
    SCRIPT 1: window.onload=dothis
    SCRIPT 2: window.onload=dothat
    RESOLUTION: <body onload="dothis();dothat()">




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