Are all menus generated use ActiveX?
I am concerned that my users have ActiveX disabled.
Please let me know.
Are all menus generated use ActiveX?
I am concerned that my users have ActiveX disabled.
Please let me know.
The reason for my question. When I test my menus from DreamWeaver I am prompted to enable ActiveX.
I have my activeX disable but did not think the menu maker uses ActiveX.
Is it to run JavaScript?
Hello Roman,
This sunject has been discussed HERE.
When you say activeX I presume you mean something like flash/shockwave.
And what if the users don't have java runtime enviroment installed? Flash runs on 98% of all browsers, and it's all systems all browsers compatible. It depends on what you know best.
In your place, I wouldnt' worry about that, but if you must, you can always create a simple HTML site map in the footer just in case the menues won't work.
Hi Availor,
so is the menu maker a flash script or dhtml?
the menumaker page says Dhtml,
but you mentioned flash so I got confused.