Quote Originally Posted by kashirigi View Post
It's an x86 laptop.

I suspect a .deb won't help -- I've downloaded other debs, tried various versions of the autopackage, all with the same results.

As far as I can tell, I've met all the dependencies.

That error message is completely useless, and infuriating.
The autopackage version is compiled with an old version of the C++ libary and an old version of the compiler for maximum compatability, but it sometimes causes problems (hence my suggestion to use the .deb - completely different code, dynamic linked rather than static linked).

I'm running ann x86 laptop here and have no problems (else I'd have just fixed it!). I'm not sure what the easiest way is to debug this - I've never seen LX error so early (and uninformatively) other than with a shared library problem, and that normally tells you which library is at fault.

So first of all, can you check you have plenty of memory free? If it can't even page the executable in, it won't be able to run.

Second, can you try this:
script /tmp/test
gdb /path/to/xaralx [substuting your path]
(see what happens)

then post /tmp/test (which should be a log of the debugger output). That might help.
