Here's half a crown spinning, I couldn't afford a whole one!
Here's half a crown spinning, I couldn't afford a whole one!
Wow, what creativity we have here.
We need a dentist to fill that cavity.
Hey guys I will get better in time (if I live long
Enough). Are there anymore senior citizens out there?
Got another one. Doesn't fit any of my teeth, must have been a dodgy dentist!
Just playing a bit more.
Say, that exceeds my expectations.
May I use it when you are through with it?
Looking for fast help. How do import that into xara3d without losing anything?
I wouldn't bother, here is the X3D file that generated the crown, with my compliments.
You know, that last crown is a fantastic piece of work using X3D and I am surprised nobody took the trouble to congratulate Mike on it. Yeah, he's cleverer than the rest of us when it comes to X3D, but when you look at how he created it it's clear this guy doesn't get out much!!
Kudos, 3D guy!
Last edited by Big Frank; 16 April 2009 at 01:23 PM.
If someone tried to make me dig my own grave I would say No.
They're going to kill me anyway and I'd love to die the way I lived:
Avoiding Manual Labour.