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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Default Water Drops - other technique

    Hi there,

    Regarding waterdrops creation - good work on http://www.xaraxone.com/webxealot/workbook49/page_3.htm

    But also I like ( after long years on DTP industry ) to keep things as much as simple as I can.

    So I try create waterdrops using Linux version of Xara ( i am using Ubuntu Dapper ), only 2 shapes, and few tools. Bevel Tool, Bitmap Gallery, Transparency Tool and Shadow Tool.

    Main Tutorial and few examples at: http://www.cursespania.ro/water/Water-Drops.zip

    Hope U will like..

    more to come

    Questions at : nemes.sorin@gmail.com

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Default Re: Water Drops - other technique


    I beat my own record !!! -> I put 3 "as" on a single proposition.. on previous message. Nice ..I will beat mondial record next month.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Water Drops - other technique

    Hi Sorin,

    Congratulations. Not only is that the first original and useful graphic I've seen produced entirely in Xara LX, but it's also a great little tutorial as well. And it loads and renders perfectly in Xara Xtreme for Windows.

    Thanks for that.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Greenfield, WI USA

    Default Re: Water Drops - other technique

    wow! excellent technique and excellent instructions - thanks!

    charles - when i opened it in xara i got this msg and then just said OK and the rest appeared normally
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	droplet zip warning.jpg 
Views:	481 
Size:	10.4 KB 
ID:	27955  

  5. #5

    Default Re: Water Drops - other technique

    Quote Originally Posted by -=Drifter=-
    charles - when i opened it in xara i got this msg and then just said OK and the rest appeared normally
    Don't worry about that, that's harmless. Some of the new text work on the current unstable version uses tags that aren't used in Xtreme.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Default Re: Water Drops - other technique

    Np. Charles,

    As I said ..more to come ..depend on my free time.

    I have a lot of work in .cdr / psd ( tutorials, cliparts, layouts, web layouts how-to's, and ..some workarounds about screen design, shadows, transparency and space usage in 2D, etc ), just to translate them with Xara LX arsenal.

    Also... You do a greath work, not me

    Seriously.. maibe there on dev. team, working day by day, the echo of all pozitive things that Xara brings to Linux world is not yet received at the real level. The shock will follow

    Glad to hope anyhow.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Cameron Park California

    Default Re: Water Drops - other technique

    Quote Originally Posted by SorinN
    Np. Charles,

    As I said ..more to come ..depend on my free time.

    I have a lot of work in .cdr / psd ( tutorials, cliparts, layouts, web layouts how-to's, and ..some workarounds about screen design, shadows, transparency and space usage in 2D, etc ), just to translate them with Xara LX arsenal.

    Also... You do a greath work, not me

    Seriously.. maibe there on dev. team, working day by day, the echo of all pozitive things that Xara brings to Linux world is not yet received at the real level. The shock will follow

    Glad to hope anyhow.
    Yes, it'll be a shock to show other Linux programmers what is being done for the first time, as far as I know: making page layout and design easy, not harder to do than in Mac or Windows.

    Thanks, team, for the hard work that will be appreciated greatly as time goes by.


  8. #8

    Default Re: Water Drops - other technique

    Hope U will like..

    more to come
    Well, I am certainly looking forward to any more ideas you can post. Your water drop technique is what keeps bringing me in everyday. I did Gary's method from the workbook the otherday, created the 3d cube and also the sphere. I created a 3d sphere in a box a few months ago using a workbook tutorial and it involved using the mould tool, going through quite a few steps. This ball was created much faster using the blend technique on the latest workbook tutorial. Not perfect but not bad for about a minutes worth of work, including finding the stupid files somewhere in the computer..........frank
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	3dball.gif 
Views:	425 
Size:	67.1 KB 
ID:	27970  
    Last edited by Seagull; 23 July 2006 at 04:32 PM.




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