Quote Originally Posted by sallybode
To get rid of the yellow tinge you can make a patch, probably best a rectangle with curved corner rotated, filled with the same bitmap marble background and feathered edge. Leave the transparency at 100%, unless you want some of it to show through.

This will fix the file you have, or alter the original bitmap to remove the yellow tinge color from it, that way anytime you need to use this in the future, you will not have to do any more repairs.

I'd suggest not changing the original file for the marble, but making your own tile and then if something goes wrong you can always have the Xara tile. You don't have to have the tile in the system files, you can keep it on your desktop of the picture frame you are making.

If you patch the marble as I suggest, select all the tile and patch and right click, and then you can make a bitmap copy. From that, the yellow tinge will not show in any of the frame so long as you select this bitmap as the source of the frame and not Xara's tile.
Yes these are great ideas I will sure try it ,Thanks a lot Sally.