Certain errors are often the fault of low resources. These days lots of things you don't think about can take resources away from your system. All graphics programs like a lot of RAM, 1 gig is not the recommended, however, getting by on minumum RAM lets you do just that, the minimum. Spyware from the Internet, if your machine is always attached to the Internet which many are, can collect quite a bit of spyware, cleaning it off on a regular basis, like twice a week at least, will keep your system running better. Don't run other programs when using PhotoImpact. Keep track of what you were doing when the problem occured. You may have stumbled upon a program glitch.

When you are working in a graphics program, even though you may not feel you are doing things involving math, your comuter is caluculating just where in X and Y coordinants every object on your screen. Once you have several layers that you can merge, it is a good idea to merge what you may not edit, that way you don't use up so much memory. Save every few minutes, that way if you have a difficulty, you haven't lost much. Many people do not understand that the math co-processor on their CPU is important if they are going to do much graphics, the more math functions the processor can do, means you can do more and do it more rapidly. Celeron processors are good for Word applications, and playing Solitaire. If you are doing more than that, a Pentium or preferrably an AMD Athlon, will give you much greater performance.

If your computer is still involved with doing another process, like downloading, or installing or anything else, or you haven't finished rendering in PI, you can get an error or it will fail to save.

Other things to do to not use up your precious resources is do not run screen savers, there used to be a good reason to run them to prevent phosphorus burn, but now, your screen really doesn't get damaged from leaving it on one picture for long. Also, wallpaper for your desktop, turn it off, even when you are not using the screen for those things these things stay in memory so they can be redisplayed when you minimize your window. How much time to you spend gazing at your desktop. Turn off whatever resources you don't need, your machine will run better.

Make sure you have the latest updates for Windows and that your anti-virus is up to date.

Hope this helps.