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Thread: MouseOver help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Default MouseOver help

    I have been using PI since the first one and I still have not been able to ever make a MouseOver work. I don't know if it the instructions they have or what...but I get it all done and then save it and it doesn't work...can someone simplify the procedure for me... Duh!!


  2. #2

    Default Re: MouseOver help

    It's been a long time since I played with PI's web features, but I do remember that it works only when you're previewing the page with your web browser. After doing the slices and assigning the rollover, did you click the browser preview button to open the page in your browser (IE, Firefox or whatever)?
    Also, make sure you got different images or states assigned for the various positions of the rollover. Maybe you have three same images so you couldn't see the effect?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Default Re: MouseOver help

    Thanks for the response...but I guess I should say that I am using PI 8 SE
    and when I go to do the rollover it is greyed out.

    I have PI XL but lost the installation disc and can't load it...my computer crased and I had to reload everything...I found the bonus cd but not the installation one. Do you think if I have the serial no. PI might send me a new cd for free?

  4. #4

    Default Re: MouseOver help

    For learning things PhotoImpact, you can't go wrong with Stephanie's Photoimpact tutorials.
    Here's a tutorial on making rollover buttons from pictures:
    Another rollover tutorial for PI7, but still applicable for PI8:
    There are also pre-made rollover buttons from the component designer:

    Stephanie's site: http://www.eastofthesun.com
    Click on the tutorial archive button.




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