David, I agree with your last post on this subject. There are ppl who can produce exception work with software tools and those that can without. To be honest, at the end of the day, as long as the result is acceptable (beautiful?) and functional to those concerned, does how it is made really matter? By making something that fits the requirement they have produced the required solution.

I used to hand-script sites, spending many an hour being "picky" about the whole thing. I was then recommended to try dreamweaver by a close friend and after fighting with the concept of it for many an hour, have not put it down since, it's fabulous. I generally design my sites with paper and photoshop, combining this with the power of dreamweaver and my life is so much simpler. Plus, if I want to hand-script parts, I can. All this makes me live life a little easier.

I'd like to end this post by apologising if I upset any member here, it was not my intention at any point.