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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    RWC, CA, USA


    that made it so I cant' go in and change MY OWN thread from the begining?? http://www.talkgraphics.com/images/smilies/mad.gif If I remember correctly that used to be the case, but all of a sudden I can't do this?? Little TOO strict there, IMHO!!!

    I went to update the gallery links and now I have to just put in fresh new ones. Seems kinda stupid to block the author of the thread from accessing and changing or updating information. Saves on bandwidth you know!! http://www.talkgraphics.com/images/smilies/rolleyes.gif

    Richard http://www.talkgraphics.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

    ---Wolff On The Prowl---

    ---Wolff On The Prowl---

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    RWC, CA, USA


    that made it so I cant' go in and change MY OWN thread from the begining?? http://www.talkgraphics.com/images/smilies/mad.gif If I remember correctly that used to be the case, but all of a sudden I can't do this?? Little TOO strict there, IMHO!!!

    I went to update the gallery links and now I have to just put in fresh new ones. Seems kinda stupid to block the author of the thread from accessing and changing or updating information. Saves on bandwidth you know!! http://www.talkgraphics.com/images/smilies/rolleyes.gif

    Richard http://www.talkgraphics.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

    ---Wolff On The Prowl---

    ---Wolff On The Prowl---

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA



    For reasons best known to the Xara Webmaster, you only have one hour to revise your message before it becomes cast in stone.

    Go figure.

    If you want to e-mail the information to me I can modify your message for you.


    Gary Priester

    Moderator Person

    Click to make The Xara Xone #1

    <a href="http://www.gwpriester.com">
    www.gwpriester.com </a>

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    RWC, CA, USA


    If you go to the thread that I have my gallery links on there is a second post from me further down with the new links there.

    Please just transfer those links to the first post, as I have gone in and changed the text on the second post to reflect what you offered to do for me.

    Then, please, to not confuse anyone further, delete the links in the second post, OK??

    Thanks very much!! http://www.talkgraphics.com/images/smilies/smile.gif

    BTW, it seems awfully strange that the XaraX forum, so far, is the only gallery that restricts the author of the thread from going in and changing, deleting or updating his own postings.

    I have gone in to the Test Forum when I was reviewing the Serif DrawPlus application and changed the text and deleted un needed images well over a week later with no restrictions. Also seems to be true of the Site Design and Publishing forum. I went in and changed my text in my second thread well over an hour later to reflect the changes in the galleries links.

    This is very strange to have one forum restricted like this while the other forums seem to be open to the authors that return to make changes well past the '1 hour time restriction'!!

    I think the web master should be contacted and asked to please change it so that the authors can go back in ANY TIME and change their postings for ALL forums!!

    Just my 2ΒΆ

    Richard http://www.talkgraphics.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

    ---Wolff On The Prowl---

    ---Wolff On The Prowl---

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    Northern Ireland


    There is nothing I hate more than looking at the firt post and saying "that is very well done - nothing out of place" then reading 5 or six post that say "the shadow does not look real" or "the colour is too dark" etc as I scratch my head saying well if that is wrong I'm just lost! Only to find out that the author (or modulator http://www.talkgraphics.com/images/smilies/smile.gif ) has gone and deleted or updated the post.

    I'd rather see the original pic (warts and all) and then see the amendments further down after seeing how the author addressed the comments. That way the complete thread makes sense and I get to learn from the feedback given to the author.

    Hopefully you see that view point also - which would make sense of the 1 hour rule i.e. to allow for a complete wrong link.


    2pence worth http://www.talkgraphics.com/images/smilies/wink.gif




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