hey greta stuff here you two...

So wierd to try and understand why they would glue things as in apposed to brazing, soldering,welding whatever...

this stuff is fascinating to me because it has values extending from your 3D creation through to real world application... where as while many times when I am boxxing out stuff, well, lets just say a measurement beyond eyesight never comes to play... but with this CAD stuff everything is rtight down to the nityy griity at a thousanths of an inch or what have ya...

another thing which always puzzled me is, in these measurements is there any tollerance... like when I build a house, throughout there will always be places whereby the tollerence for cuts is an 18 of an inch... better not take that over too long of a span though but yea, with machinings there any tolerances...

and ya Mike, this method of coating, or at least one like it, was used at a place I used to work at... we remanufactured carbulator, waterpumps and distributors... anyway, we dipped the basket of parts in and they came out all nice and golldish looking... ( I was but a teen back then, but I remember using a remote control (not wireless) to move the basket into place and raise and lower... ) now I finally have some more insight as to just how that all worked...

keep this stuff rolling... anybody know what those big machines are which take your info and then lathe it out in real world... Some three letter name is what I have in my mind... I think there is an N and C in there, maybe an R too... I keep calling them cnr machines... anybody?

till then