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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Milwaukee, WI, USA


    I've just created a complete Web site in CorelDRAW 11. Everything: text, graphics, and rollovers works perfect in Microsoft Explorer. No matter how I try to export it, everything comes out completely scrambled in Netscape. I've also just downloaded the latest version of Netscape 7 to see if that's the issue. Nothing has changed.

    The only thing that works at all is to save the entire page as a complete graphic - not a solution! It fries all the links and rollovers. I've spent two weeks creating this site, my client is waiting for it, and I'm out of solutions with what to do.

    I've also tried importing it into Macromedia Dreamweaver and re-saving it in the hopes that it would come out properly in Netscape - no luck with that either. What am I doing wrong? Please don't tell me that CorelDRAW isn't really meant to be used as a "Web design" application. This thing says all over their advertising that that's what it does. By version 11 these types of glaring problems should be gone......Help! What's going on here?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Milwaukee, WI, USA


    I've just created a complete Web site in CorelDRAW 11. Everything: text, graphics, and rollovers works perfect in Microsoft Explorer. No matter how I try to export it, everything comes out completely scrambled in Netscape. I've also just downloaded the latest version of Netscape 7 to see if that's the issue. Nothing has changed.

    The only thing that works at all is to save the entire page as a complete graphic - not a solution! It fries all the links and rollovers. I've spent two weeks creating this site, my client is waiting for it, and I'm out of solutions with what to do.

    I've also tried importing it into Macromedia Dreamweaver and re-saving it in the hopes that it would come out properly in Netscape - no luck with that either. What am I doing wrong? Please don't tell me that CorelDRAW isn't really meant to be used as a "Web design" application. This thing says all over their advertising that that's what it does. By version 11 these types of glaring problems should be gone......Help! What's going on here?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Gloucestershire, UK


    Sorry, but no way should CorelDRAW be used to design a web site for commercial use. I would think twice about using it for a home page.

    By all means use the suite to design graphics for inclusion in the web page, but to design a professional web site from scratch, no.

    Draw is a vector illustration tool first and foremost. Paint is a bitmap tool.

    They may have some basic HTML capabilities but can never compete with a proper dedicated tool for creating and more importantly maintaining HTML.

    I would try extracting the graphic elements from the existing web pages and feed them into Dreamweaver and have it generate the correct underlying code.


    The style challenged Pete'sCrypt
    The style challenged Pete'sCrypt

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2004


    If you know some HTML, or think you are willing to learn, try a good free aditor:


    You can't do your graphics in that, but you have Coreldraw, so all you need is a HTML and cript editor. Good luck.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2004


    Sorry, wrong link.

    The right address is:





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