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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Raisio, Finland


    ...you wrote that you are having trouble seeing selected points. What version are you using? There was a bug in some of the previous versions, but at least in the latest (0.98.06c) version selected points are highlighted with red.

    Paul the Gnurfmeister!
    Home: http://www.gnurf.net/v3/ | My stuff for sale: http://www.zazzle.com/gnurf* | Follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/pasoderholm

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Louvain-la-Neuve, BELGIUM


    ... for its first aerodynamics tests !!!


  3. #13
    Join Date
    May 2002
    West Texas,USA


    Here is my starting effort.Doesn't look like Ivan's posted car too much any more.I did take the car into 3D Canvas to use the subtract tool on the wheel wells.Hope that is not cheating.

    Wings 'cut' tool only gives 2,3,4,5 or 10 as the number of cuts you can give a line.Is there any way to get evenly spaced cuts with 6,7,8 or 9 as options?
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Car1.jpg 
Views:	756 
Size:	56.0 KB 
ID:	5825  

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 1970


    Wow Mike, you are an inventive sort eh... me too... ya gotta like it... keep going man, you will have a car all decked out and at the starting line in no time...

    wish I could assist you, but... I am rooky too...

    Use as many apps as it takes folks... This is fun !

  5. #15
    Join Date
    May 2002
    West Texas,USA


    Fast looking auto you have started there.It hit me on the way to Wal-Mart that to divide a line into 6,8,or 9 segments, just cut by 2 then 3,4 then 2 and 3 then 3. Hope that makes sense.Prime numbers after 5 I don't think can be divided evenly.Hey, are we going to have to texture the cars to stay in the race?My paint jobs in 3D are not quite up to snuff.


  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 1970


    Ha ha, ya Mike, I figure they should have some sort of paint to them... What say Ivan.... To texture or not to texture... ... I say yay...

    Here's a neat method... ... but, first...save car... make copy of car and save... ... Open up copy...

    Select a region, say the windshield... when this area is selected then go up and export selected as an .obj file... once saved then simply hit the backspace button to disolve the area... now that the area has been disolved you should select the whole car and also export... now bring these two files into another 3D app, assemble the two parts, apply a basic color and/or texture to each part...and render... You can make as many parts as you like and thus have as many colors/textures as you have parts...

    I dunno if you are able to apply textures to selected areas right in Wings or not... this would be way cool though, and would save a ton of assembly...

    Here's a quick render showing how much I suck at assembly/positioning... re front tires... also, didn't get to splitting the wheel from the tire etc... but... so far so good... like a little dinky toy racer...

    I have since reworked the front spoiler, dropping it down from where it is on the yellow example posted below, as well smoothed out more in the rear, and am now presently connecting some more points, then a rear spoiler, some mirrors...then... ah man, it never ends

    maybe after the exterior is done I will move inside and putsky around... Though this exterior is going to take quite a bit of reworking... have to plan moves better to best leave those shapes which divide nicely... as well how to better read the roughs so as to not start dividing before time... makes for much easier selecting for a longer period of time

    and... haha on the "it hit me on the way to Walmart"... you got it bad man Me too... everywhere I go everything is secondary to those thoughts of just how to proceed next, which new part to create... It's awesome

    Paul, this shot is showing the two points selected, but no red dots... version .98.06... hey, still manage however

    [This message was edited by gidgit on January 31, 2003 at 21:10.]
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	points.gif 
Views:	701 
Size:	29.3 KB 
ID:	12484  

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 1970


    Yea Mike, I gave that math thought of yours some more thought, to which, glad you got it...

    I am going to start a Wings Question thread to see if we can generate some answers to basic questions people may have regarding this app and how it works and when it is you cut out and move to another app...

    btw, those wheel wells look good... even like... [thumbs up]

  8. #18
    Join Date
    May 2002
    West Texas,USA


    I will paint but I can't be held responsible for runs. MIRRORS...I hadn't even thought about that but I guess you have to have them.

    I don't know what kind of car this is yet.Right now it looks like a cross between a Corvette,a Porshe, and a Studebaker.

    Wings does have a way of applying paint.Select what you want to paint.....R click...choose Set Material....choose New....Type in a name.....Then a window appears with different choices to make.I haven't played with this very much but it looks pretty good.

    From the SELECT menu you can choose..By..and select the items you want with several different options including texture.The more I play with Wings the more I like it.

    Great looking Formula 1 you are constructing Gidgit.

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Car2.jpg 
Views:	670 
Size:	50.4 KB 
ID:	17670  

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 1970


    Hey, looking cool Mike, yea, a mix of those mobile's for sure I like the way the hood curves... is the roof line the studabaker aspect ?

    Thanks for the tip re- coloring, I will have to check this out...

    Are you having fun yet ?

    Come on you guys and gals... lets see some cars...

    Hey, and those not into crafting up some cars could always make up some cool 3D scapes to set these models into... any models...not just the cars... city scapes, country landscapes, perhaps some rooms.... some may wish to craft up human models, with aliens more than welcome of course... airplanes... pass the files around, post some stills as well as the 3D files, for others to work their 2D magic... mapping models as they are posted... Who knows, maybe some will take some of the works in progress and practice animation...

    all works can be tweaked in any fashion by anybody so long as everybody is in agrees, and no works are used by any for commercial purposes... bla bla... sharing and contributing together with ever increasing possibilities arising... the project with no ending... for everybody...

    Come on you Vue guru's, give us a road... uh, what size you ask? uh, good question... haha... you tell me... show us... this could be fun...

    Wow, good coffee

    [This message was edited by gidgit on February 01, 2003 at 00:07.]

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Louvain-la-Neuve, BELGIUM


    ... before I wake up (very late) this saturday !!! I am glad to see this thread still alive and useful and will add something after breakfast.





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