Navigate as follows:
1.Open a new image,
2.Menu / Tools / Roll-up groups / Objects/Channels
(the Objects /Channels window opens) make sure the little thumb take is down so it will stay open.
3.CTRL+A or Menu / Mask / Select all
4.Objects/Channels roll-up/ Channels

You should see the channels in the roll-up like the image below, except you do not have an alpha channel yet. The first 4 or 5 depending on the color model you are using are the color channels, then you have the current mask channel, Ok the current mask channel is on because you selected all in step 3 and made a mask on your image, you must have a current mask channel to make an alpha channel which is a copy of the current mask. On the bottom of the Channels roll-up you will see 4 buttons,

Step 5 click the 2nd from the left button to save the current mask as a channel.

You will see a new alpha 1 channel on the list below the current mask channel, it will be outlined in red.

Ok, I need to explain a some stuff about this channel window so you will know how to navigate now that you have an alpha channel.
The first column of icons represent what is in the channel.

The second column that look like eyes represent what you see in the image window.

The third column has a pencil in the color model channel at the top of the list, this column is where you change from one channel to another as if you were changing channels on a TV, the channel you select with the pencil becomes visible by default and is editable.

So if at any time if you are experiencing problems check that the pencil is on the channel you wish to edit and that the eyes are on the channels you wish to view, if you switch back to the objects window the channels you have selected are what you get.

So now that you know all that, make as many alpha channels as you wish, I think there is a limit of 17 that you can have loaded at a time

[This message was edited by Mike Bailey on March 06, 2002 at 02:53.]