optional!!! Yes, by all means, jens, throw off the shoes, wiggle the toes and breathe in the fresh morning air.....it's another invigorating morning here full of bird song (they greet the day with such delight) and the window is open right here by the desk so I can glance up and see them too...
I want to get out there with them!!!

Ross, the experiences you had hiking must be great...no doubt you are reminded of them when you work on terragen pics...this can inspire you to seek out and enjoy more outdoor activity for all the things the images can't provide you with...that would be a good thing if it would affect others the same way.

I agree that TV is mind-numbing, it is better for kids and adults to do way less of it!!! It's a waste of precious time for the most part, in my opinion. It may even be depressing for some. It's healthy, I think, to get away from it---you'll even feel better!

Just a few thoughts.
Have a great weekend everyone!!!
---As The Crow Flies!---