I'd like to apologize for the initial comment I made about Gimp esseentially blowing away Photo-Impact, PSP, and Photo-Paint. I can and have used all these programs to get a feel for their feature set, and truth be known, PaintShop Pro has some pretty neat filters.

The reason I even brought up Gimp was because a friend of mine out in Hollywood told me that enterprises...production houses...are using Gimp because site licenses for 400 seats for Photoshop would kill a budget. My bud also tells me to watch Photoshop 8 closely, to see if we don't get an integrated workflow between video editing and image editing. Seems that a "secret" feature of the Unix version of Gimp (I think) enables you to cut, paste, and edit as a seamless workflow, so if for example, you needed to get rid of a traffic sign in a video, you'd clone it out using Gimp, instead of After Effects.

I'm sorry this thread got so empassioned, and I for one will zip it in the future if someone else wants to diss a post of mine. And by dissing, I mean a poorly-qualified opinion, such as, "Ew, it's ugly, it doesn't match the color of my scarf", or, "Brand X is better. It just is."

My Best,