Ah right,gamma I know well guys.I always lift my gamma and check it using the view menu in Photoshop at a Windows setting.My gamma on my lcds is a native setting of 2.06,Mac is 1.8 and Windows is 2.2,so the difference between the brightness of my lcds should not be that great from what looks ok in Windows gamma.So I therefore put it down to lcds which are terrible for matching color {well not terrible] but a crt wins hands down for print work.

As for the dimensions I meant with the image open in a picture viewer and pulled out to its normal size of around 1200 x something,so the image is easier to see expanded.

I also have a bad habit of adjusting levels at night....

No crits are fine guys.

Thanks Richard,ya I have a rig almost finished him ...I have had a good look again,and tweaked the neck and jaw again...but not because of Mayas crits ....hahahaha,they just happend to coincidentally concide with my observations

Animation is on the cards at some stage yet