Hi All--

For some reason, some but not all of my answers to questions in threads are not posting, or they are invisible or something.

So here's a new thread comprising the posts that haven't turned up.

1.)I wanted to close the thread on the war after Panter's post. It's done for us artists. I am ashamed that I turned this forum into a political arena...that is not why I was hired, regardless of my personal feelings (which in the future, should be kept to myself). We do art discussions here and this comment is volunteered...ie-no one at XARA has told me to knock it off.

2.)Jens, I am sorry if I said anything that you felt was contrary to your feelings. I respect the right to express Jens the Artist and Jens the Politician equally.

3.)Kiwi, don't worry when it comes to bandwidth. Somehow, we will find a way to make an excellent artistic statement that represents the best of our forum. Let's kerep it going, and *I* will judge the September BAP awards.

4.)I want to be an observer/guide on the toybot group work. I do not want to contribute because I've already done the work. I want to see it better, with more life and more detail and more story behind it. So far, Stu has mentioned a toybot lost in the desert.

Any other ideas? Please, let's keep the collaborative effort alive here.

My Best,

Gary David Bouton
Free education! The Writings Web site
and the updated GaryWorld Gallery is pretty okay, too.