Judi - I'm sure you are right about the wireframe thing. Convert one to editable shapes and you will see all the objects in wireframe. Your file size can increase dramatically too.

The new clipview tool probably can be used to make blends more practical. For example: I'v long used blends to quickly draw things like brick coursing lines on a brick wall. Without clipview I'd convert those blends to editable shapes and the edit them to the shape of the wall where i needed them. I haven't tried it but with clipview I could create a shape that is the wall profile and have clipped the blend which wouldn't need to be converted to editable shapes.

I don't know if that makes sense. I suppose my point is that the next time you are about to convert a blend to editable shapes, stop and consider if the clipview tool could save that blend's life.

Regards, Ross

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