
Regarding the Google problem you speak of, it could be because XaraXone is not even listed in the web site keyword list - for that matter neither is XaraX. Sure you've got Xara listed but is that sufficient to find the XaraXone? - I have my doubts! I reckon you should have another look at the keywords you've used. Sure I'm not the most experienced person on creating META tags but it does seem obvious to me that you should include words which are relevant and some of the included words seem to myself and my partner to be irrelevant and others debatable. The order of the words could also be important.

I'm sorry if I'm saying something out of turn here but I do feel this aspect of the site needs looking at in order to get best placement in a search engine listing. As I've already said though I do feel that XaraXone and Xarax should be in the keywords.
