The file is a 30" x 86" graphics. It consists of imported .EPS files which were generated from Autocad, objects drawn in CD with regular, gradiant, texture and pattern effects, some with interactive transparency AND imported .GIF images w/ interactive transparency. The file is about 60Mb. I tried to print it to a HP Desigjet 1055 plotter but all it does is spool for two days and never print. Is the file too big? Does the transparency have something to do with the problem? I also tried publishing a .PDF file and print from Acrobat w/ a postscript driver but still did not work. I ended up exporting a .TIF w/ reduced size @ 300 dpi and printed it from PhotoPaint. Why weren't I able to print? What can I do to prevent this to happen again? I am using a Win2k professional machine and was able to print simpler graphics before.