I would second Juan in that I find it very useful to be able to email some of the writers in this forum, sometimes with really stupid questions on topics they have covered in depth, yet for some inexplicable reason have not sunk in.

Lets face it - it does ones street cred no good at all appearing to be a complete plank, so an email address for a forum member at least allows you to limit any adverse public impressions [img]/infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]

Personally I have never found any disadvantage in publishing my email address, especially in a forum like this where I think it is safe to assume a degree of maturity is held by the members. I agree sometimes companies get hold of your email address and that can be a bit of a pain, but then there are anti spam measures you can take as suggested I think on the profiles page of this forum. (goes off and has a look ..... and yes, its there!).

The ultimate cure should your email address fall into the hands of an intollerable pest, is to change it. Most ISPs permit many email addresses and I have never found changing too much of a problem. Easier to change than moving house if your home address gets into the wrong hands [img]/infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]

Gosh - wandered a bit off topic here - never mind, you are now at least 30 seconds closer to receiving your Xara CDs [img]/infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]


[This message was edited by Alan R on October 01, 2001 at 10:07.]

[This message was edited by Alan R on October 01, 2001 at 10:37.]