Greetings all:

For those of you who don't know me, I'm one
of the two co-founders of i/us.

As has been mentioned in another forum here, i/us was sold earlier this
year to Getty Images (which also owns EyeWire).

I have been told that much of what is on the i/us site today is under
review and that Getty is evaluating the products and services we offer. These
decisions will be finalized before the end of the year. The content areas
are hosted much as an ISP hosts and this is not a business that Getty is in.

Best selling products at i/us, including Xara X, have a good chance of
continued sales and support by Getty. Specifically regarding the XaraXone,
we hope to see that continue on in the new year, but hosted elsewhere than on the i/us site.
Until the end of this year, it and the Forums will be available as always, and I'm also optimistic the Forums will live on, ideally in an environment that provides greater resources than i/us.

Regarding the upcoming release of Xara X, you can can purchase it from Xara or i/us. Either way, the price is identical (actually cheaper from i/us if you're in the UK, because of no VAT) and either way you can download it at once and will automatically be sent a CD by Xara. If you buy from i/us, you also get access to the new Insider area for Xara X, as well as access to the existing Insider area -- this is a nice benefit if you purchased CorelXARA from somewhere other than i/us.

What's the value of the Insider area, if its future isn't assured, you may well ask. I can only say that it will remain the incredible resource it is until at least the end of the year on i/us, and if we can demonstrate that people really value it, via upgrades and new purchases of Xara X, its future is that much more assured.

I can say frankly that Gary Priester and those of us at i/us have stuck by the Xara community and tried hard to deliver value to it over the years.

One thing is for sure: the next few weeks will demonstrate the degree to which the Xara community on i/us values the XaraXone. You get to vote yay or nay. As always, your vote -does- count.

<font color=green>Chris Dickman</font>