
Both Micrografx and Corel products were much more innovative than Adobe. They had more features and worked better and faster.

The problem was that Adobe noticed how big the Windows graphics market was and realising that the Apple market was saturated and possibly declining, made Photoshop and Illustrator cross platform. The Windows users always had a slight inferiority complex towards Apple,so heavily purchased the new products for Windows and the rest is history.

The upside was that it lifted Windows to be a really viable graphics platform, with files that were interchangable across platforms.

Corel and Micrografx sales declined, so that they could not invest in their products.

Xara is a small niche and is really unlikely to grow, unless it can port to Apple.

I remember saying that to them in 1994 at a Windows show in London, when I first saw and bought Xara Studio as a beta.

It will never happen. Maybe OSX porting would be easier. They could also test it in OSX using Windows emulation and sell it to Apple users that way, but I don't think they are that interested.

OSX is really very interesting.

Mike Engles