First of all I wish to thank you for patience.
Concerning OS and application installation I always stick to the procedure and I’ve never had any kind of problems, (my PC is on the Win98SE platform).
Now, answers to you questions:
- I tried to open several photos but as I placed them one at the top of the other, nothing happened: all of them remained independent files. Naturally, I couldn’t change any of the settings – merge mode, tansparency…since photos were assigned as background(s).
- When I open a new blank Untitled file, I can use brush etc. but when I want to place a photo in it, the photo opens as an independent file and cannot be moved to a blank file not even on the new layer of the blank file.
- Other thing I discovered today: if I duplicate a photo, then the tools (brush, pen) can be applied on both original and duplicate. But if for a moment I switch to another program, say Acrobat reader, when I switch back none of the photos can be selected – their titlebars became greyed out and again none of the tools was available.
- I tried with saving jpeg photo as tiff and psd, but the same thing happened as with the original.
I’m not sure if that update would help. Maybe it’s something with PS general preferences or such. I even reinstalled it this morning. I’ve never had such problems while working with Photopaint.
That's it for now. Bye...