Here is the information I shared with Jinny and Greg for the Folks that still don't know how to insert images into their message, Athena covered this subject, maybe I can simplify it for you.

When you click the UBB code button, you get a window asking you for a location of the image file, The file is on your web site, so enter the information as per the instructions.

If it still doesn't work you have an error in the information you entered,

Look at (edit) your message and you will see 2 Tags called Image with the file information in between,

Ex: if the file is located in the root folder on your site.

If its in another folder you have to guide the tag to the file,

You don't have to start over by pressing the UBB code button again, just correct the information in between the tags, the server is CASE SENSITIVE so be sure you have it entered correct or it still will not work. Leave NO SPACES in between the 2 tags.

Ex: [Image][/Image]

[This message was edited by Mike Bailey on October 17, 2000 at 11:25 AM.]