Hi Folks, sorry to shout that title out at you [img]/infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif[/img] Just wanted to make sure it gets everyone's attention.

This is important ok, so take note of it now and you won't be confused later.

On Dec 15th, i-us will stop hosting the forums,
and they will be moved over to www.talkgraphics.com. If all goes according to plans, no interuptions should be experienced, and nothing will change about all of these forums until Jan 1/2001. And on that date, the above permanent new URL will be implemented. So BookMark the above new url now and you won't be confused later ok?
Between Dec 15th & Jan 1st, a reDirect script will take folks to the new url automatically. But after Jan 1st, you'll need to use the new url above.

Thomas Sorrill of Xara Ltd. has informed me of some big plans for this graphics forum community. So stay tuned and stay informed! ;O)>

Any questions here? Let me know!

Mark (aka theKeeper)...