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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    SW England

    Default Re: The challenge of mobile images - discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by bwood View Post
    Acorn … clarification on your chunk of code ….

    Here comes the sleight of hand.
    For each resized and placed image in your design, open its Placeholder Body and insert:
    <img id="unique image identifier" src="<source path>/<A nice image filename>.jpg" alt="describe the image" loading="lazy" width=100% height=100% />
    Change the id, set the src to 'index_html_files/<master-image>.<ext>, describe the image in alt.

    The image <a nice image filename> is the name of my file. No changes to the image id correct? Alt is my description of pic.

    This is a fascinating solution.

    Bill, say you have a design file, A.xar.
    When you publish, you render as .html so you publish your resources to index_html_files. Else we are looking at an index_htm_files folder.
    Your image is B.png and you have used the Placeholder > Replace with graphic file option.
    When you save your design, B.png is copied into an A_xar_files folder.
    When you render, B.png is included in the index_html_files folder.

    The <img> Tag should be made with an id value that is solely associated with A.png; the alt text can have a duplicate elsewhere.
    The src is then just the render path and filename: index_html_files/A.png.
    A and B can be any legal strings for a filename.
    png could be jpg, webp, gif or any format a modern browser can handle even is Xara cannot.

    Last edited by Acorn; 06 March 2024 at 09:01 PM.
    Acorn - installed Xara software: Cloud+/Pro+ and most others back through time (to CC's Artworks). Contact for technical remediation/consultancy for your web designs.
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