My Website ( ) is a RWD website.

Xara Pro V11.

The Website's 2 Variants are:

[MAIN] 1120px

The MAIN display (a red "M" centered in the top edge of the main index page) works correctly on Windows Laptops, Windows Desktops & Apple & Android Notebooks. (Dropdown Menu centering & height scrolling are a separate problem that I am struggling with).

The SMARTPHONE display (a red "S" centered in the top edge of the main index page) will display properly if the cellphone is in Landscape mode, but does not shrink to display properly if the cellphone is viewed in portrait mode. Every friend that uses my site is seeing this problem - they ALL have different cellphones. Changing the Page Width variant from 400px down to 200px doesn't seem to change the display width at all.

Any help would be appreciated
