Quote Originally Posted by TomTom66 View Post

Hello, to all! I had this problem again today with a website using Nunito fonts. A supposedly not embeddable font "Nunito Black2" was given as error message. In the then generated website, a different font was then also displayed at these text passages. Using Acorn's instructions, I quickly identified it using the .CCS class names. This time the font "Nunito Black" was affected. After I exchanged headlines with this font against "Nunito SemiBold" the problem was solved. What surprised me is that apparently the same font style, e.g. "Nunito" (regular) is either listed several times as Nunito1, Nunito2, Nunito3 in the CSS file OR it is "Nunito" (regular) in "BOLD" etc.

All in all very confusing and the absolute final cause I have neither found nor been able to reproduce. Personally it seems to me that this happens when you change a font several times, e.g. "Nunito SemiBold" to "Nunito Bold" (or back again). Maybe there is no "update" in the document (?) Previously, the problem was with "Nunito Medium" or if, for example, "Nunito Medium" was marked with "bold" and another Nunito font was used in the document such as "Nunito Semibiold" and also marked in the same document in "bold".

Then I got the message that it was impossible to embed this font. Mostly as obscure information like Nunito2, Nunito3 or Nunito Black2 and so on. It also happened to me with the Monserat font. I suspect that something is not working perfectly with the embedding. It is clear that v15 worked differently, because there was never this problem. What I also noticed in v19 is that earlier when a font was not embeddable (also e.g. because of license) it was enough to group the line (Ctrl. + G) which converted it then text into a graphic. Now, however, somehow no longer works as before v15. I had a logo where a font "English" was used, the font is installed, is used for years by me, there were never problems. Xara showed a completely different replacement font in the generated website. Grouping the whole logo (which ALWAYS solved such a problem in the past!) did absolutely nothing. Switching and re-switching the font didn't help either.

The only final solution was to create a bitmap copy and use it. I had the same problem in the same document (website) with a headline in the font "English" (the font works fine everywhere else, for years, even in all Xara versions before). Again, neither grouping nor switching helped. Only converting to a bitmap copy worked as a workaround. Very confusing, but so far cost me a lot of time for troubleshooting and pointless "experiments" which I was never used to from Xara Pro+.

TomTom, I have not dug into how Xara now delivers its WOFF files but the naming is irrelevant as it is just a label (the src url link to the woff is what matters). It further offers a local cascade of font names to assist the browser to pick the right one. Some of the names I have have a prefix like xr3_ or xr5_, which is saying use Nunito and programmatically render Bold or Bold-Italic, if no font weight or style is available. Where I have used Nunito ExtraBold, the local label includes NunitoExtraBold. All seems rugged.

What I am more certain about is Font Grouping.
In the past Xara created a Bitmap from grouped text. It still does with rotated text. Both are horrible for Accessibility.
You can still get this with grouped text but you need to pick Web Properties > Image > Group web export: Export group as a single image.
In X Pro+v21 and coming (soon) to XDPX/XWD(P), if you Convert to Editable Shapes, the glyphs are rendered as SVG so are scalable, without jaggies.
