Quote Originally Posted by Acorn View Post
Chuck, there is a lot going on in any Xara design and by reining back early on you can learn what works without facing a set of knotted string to unravel.

I like historical projects.
I tried converting your massive History into a set of Xara pages for you.
Xara coped quite well with 415 pages and still around 65MB.

It probably makes more sense to unpack each of the PDFs in the PDF Portfolio and make each document available for separate download.
I would suggest creating an abstract of all the content less the images and offer a link to the imaged PDF.
That way the history text is only 0.5MB.

Do keep the original PDF as as a download too.

Whichever way you go, I wish you well.


Thanks again. I might try breaking up the history pdf into year brackets to bring the size down. That way people can go through it in steps if they want.

Got lots to work on now, but at least I have a direction!