Hi All

Can anybody please point me in the right direction for hosting emails with a competitive price. Reason being I have my site hosted via a third party, but cant contact that person.

My site is hosted on 1&1 but doesn't have a ssl & i cant get access to my emails, as I think there is a master password.

It would appear that if I want more than 1 email address that prices are loaded for this option.

I have two trains of thought:

1. I buy a new domain & upload my site to that with the benefit of ssl & email.

2. I leave my site hosted with 1&1 & have a slightly different email address ie: dave@davoraproprty.info plus as at least one more ie enquire@davorapropery.info

I have checked & the domain name above is available, I have looked at 1&1 & they are reasonable price wise for a 1 year deal, but the basic package is only one email address, I could get away with one but would prefer two dedicated email addresses.

All thoughts & suggestions appreciated.

Thanks for all the suggestions & help with my past queries by the great people who responded.

Kind Regards
