Good Day,

Have not been doing much graphics work since leaving the military a lot of years ago but now find I can help some charities make some flyers and other items better for their needs. I had some reference books that had all of the clipart on all of he pages by category and it was easy to look up and choose the one that I wanted to use.

Well the books I had I cannot find now (may have been lost in a move). So seeing the clipart means opening up the .xar file for each one I want to view. But with so many files it gets very time consuming to select just one. Tried to run the FINDER.EXE but the version I have is so old for some of the files that it will not even load in compatible mode Windows XP (SP2).

So my question: Is there a way to view these files without opening them up one file at a time?

Thank you for any suggestions.
