way I look at NFT is this:

the artwork is not being sold, 'shares' in it are - sure this should not be done without the artists permission and it's a bit miffing to think of others making money out of your work without your say so, that is wrong; but unless you got there first and sold the NFT yourself, it's not money that you would have made anyway; it does [should] not give copyright and of course you would always have made sure you can prove copyright of anything that is yours and you care about, same as a computer backup

in some cases it might even result in an artist becoming well known by the efforts of others; well known artists that NFT their own work are probably the ones most likely to make any real money although it's not just art, you could NFT an image of just about anything and if you get in first with somethig really 'unique' you might be on to a winner

non of this makes me a fan ...I do not bet, on th stock market or for that matter on horses [in that sense]; I would not bet on NFT

one day it may be regulated like stocks and shares are, meanwhile we are back in the good old days of 'free for all' [literally in a way ]