Quote Originally Posted by Egg Bramhill View Post
Hi Acorn, great balls!
Just a few observations on your xar files output.

I believe it's a long standing bug in Xara that changes circular fills to elliptical fills for some unknown reason, often when pasting attributes. Unfortunately this has the resulting effect that rather than creating an svg it creates an bitmap image instead.

Further to this xara's default image creation is set to "Let Xara decide the result automatically". With the introduction of svg export I believe this would be better set to a default of "Lossless compression PNG"

IMHO at present Xara's export is creating far more images (bitmaps) than are required.

Egg, I watched your demo a couple of times and still do not understand how that was done I had seen thopse baubles before and wondered I thought maybe the graphic was made then using the mold tool to turn it into the baubles wanted.