
Is there any way to get Xara (Designer Pro X18) to be more accurate?

My problem is every time I rotate an object by say 90° (either by typing in "90" into the Angle of Selection, or by selecting the shape and the manually dragging the rotation control whilst holding down Control) it no longer fits EXACTLY on the grid. Every point keeps being very nearly on the grid but just off...

I am using Xara to do CAD (something that I am aware that it isn't really designed for!)

I have parts that are about 1mm thick by about say 5mm long. I am working to an accuracy of about 1/8th of mm.
I am using the grid a lot for snapping. I like having a large number of parts on a page.

Page size: A1
Page Units: Millimetres
The grid is:
Major spacing: 1mm
Number of subdivisions: 8

Scaling: None
Nudge size: 0.125mm
