When we had our design business there were two. One was a small printing company in the San Francisco Bay area. The owner had a two color Heidelberg press and wanted to do a promotion to get business from the advertising and design industry. We proposed a series of portfolios featuring various San Francisco illustrators and photographers. Each of the folios used a variety of CMYK, Pantone spot colors and various varnishes, so for a 10 color job the press sheet had to go through the press 5 times. We did 10 folios, and won about 50 design awards and our client got a fair amount of new business.

We also did many design projects for the High Technology practice group at Ernst & Young in San Francisco. The partner who ran the practice never questioned our estimates, let us do pretty much what we wanted to do, and they always paid their bills net 30. I am very proud of the work we did for them. They are still using a logo I designed for them in the late 80s.