Quote Originally Posted by Acorn View Post
GJ, never dumb, just don't try the answer, it is quite hard: https://helpx.adobe.com/acrobat/usin...ns_acrobat_pro.

Sorry Acorn, for me personally I don't think the answer answered anything for me, but I should've said for my question would it work creating a PDF in Xara. I think I'll just use the PNG version in my PDF and not worry about the animation. I just thought it would be rather neat if I could include the animated in my PDF. You have to understand I walk around here looking at all you geniuses and think to myself how dumb can you really be. Well I am very dumb usually here on Talk Graphics most answers go right over my head. I just like hanging out with you guys and occasionally something gets through my thick skull. Anyhow thank you for the answer.