Quote Originally Posted by Acorn View Post
Neither are covered yet through Magix. XDPX is the Daddy of XWDP so if I was going for one I would go for XDPX.

However, for the same price as an XDPX Magix Upgrade, you can get Xara Pro+ by using the LIFETIME coupon offer for almost the same charge.
This is a subscription and Pro+ is XDPX but many updates ahead.

If at the end of the year's subscription you want to revert back to Magix, I am sure WebP will be available by then.

Fuller details here: https://www.talkgraphics.com/showthr...415#post636415.

I have an email from Xara saying WebDesigner Pro + will support webp files from April 22nd. It then says "With the release of Web Core Vitals in May 2021, loading speed will be even MORE important for SEO." So it looks as if May will be the date for support of webp rather than 22nd April, or perhaps when the need for it becomes more important.
Is it being included in any new upgrade right now or would it be necessary to buy a complete new program.
I downloaded a trial version of WDP+ and tried to import a webp file and it says it doesn't support that format. Very confusing.....

Also, when I click the UPGRADE on the trial version it gives prices in $'s but the same figure is then shown exactly the same when I change to £'s. Discrimination or what?
Maybe it would be less expensive to take another trial for another email address and do all the downloads etc via a VPN.