Quote Originally Posted by Acorn View Post
Matt, I think you need to make this 100% crystal clear as many TGers are baffled by Product Names, Magix/Xara responsibilities and the updating frequency.

Something like:
  • Xara is in a position to offer extant Magix Update Service (MUS) purchasers a wonderful opportunity to transition across to the Xara Cloud+/Xara Designer Pro+ combo at equitable rates that include the LIFETIME 50% discount.
  • This only applies to active MUS users of Xara Designer Pro version 17 (XDPXv17) and upwards.
  • It does not cover the other Xara Desktop applications but if you step up to our flagship product (Pro+), you are still getting a great deal with our LIFETIME 50% discount offer.
  • The combo is a monthly/yearly subscription model.
  • You still retain your existing XDPXv17 licence but if we extend your subscription by the remaining time in your MUS then you will lose the on-line services; the XDPXv17 will still work but only with your local assets.
  • If you let your combo subscription lapse, you lose all access to the combo. You can resubscribe a month at a time so if your business model could be XDPXv17 development with latter resubscription when engaged with your client.
  • Subscribing for the combo always delivers the latest updates. Your lapsed XDPXv17 may not be able to handle these but you always have the opportunity to test and renew your combo subscription.
  • You gain use of Xara Cloud Pro+, which can be used interactively with Xara Designer Pro+ and, importantly, your clients.
  • Magix are no longer involved so your Website M access will expire too.
  • Xara is considering alternative hosting arrangements.
  • Xara offers on-line help through Xara Cloud with industry-leading response times.
  • Xara is more agile in delivering product updates to the combo so bug fixes are frequent and targeted so you do not have to wait for your MUS renewal to secure important features.

i must stress, this is the the type of communication I would like and expect to hear from Xara rather than have to collate everything I have listed through lots of time-consuming questions.

Yes I agree entirely thank you Acorn for putting it in a nutshell (pardon the pun!!)
Why do we need to be a professor to understand an update/upgrade.

Far too complicated!! I do Hope between Xara and Magix can collaborate and
make the choices far less complicated going forward.
make this a simple transition