Release notes:

Google Fonts Update
We've updated our Google Fonts list to include 40 new fonts. New fonts added:

Alata, Alatsi, Baloo 2, Baloo Bhai 2, Baloo Bhaina 2, Baloo Chettan 2, Baloo Da 2, Baloo Paaji 2, Baloo Tamma 2, Baloo Tammudu 2, Baloo Thambi 2, Balsamiq Sans, Baskervville, Bebas Neue, Bellota, Bellota Text, Caladea, Calistoga, Comic Neue, Courier Prime, DM Mono, Epilogue, Gelasio, Girassol, Gotu, Grenze Gotisch, Gupter, Ibarra Real Nova, Inria Sans, Inria Serif, Inter, Jomolhari, Jost, Kulim Park, Manrope, Mulish, MuseoModerno, Odibee Sans, Oxanium, Public Sans, Recursive, Red Rose, Rowdies, Sen, Solway, Sora, Spartan, Sulphur Point, Tomorrow, Varta, Viaoda Libre

Footer Components
These are new components that automatically size and position themselves at the bottom of every page on insertion. They are also made repeating so they appear on every page of your design..

Click image for larger version. 

Name:	image.jpg 
Views:	182 
Size:	10.7 KB 
ID:	127818

To insert a footer, click on Text > Footer, which will open up all available footers you can insert.

Click image for larger version. 

Name:	image.png 
Views:	184 
Size:	85.5 KB 
ID:	127819

If you insert a footer where one already exists in your document, the new footer will replace the old one, and where possible the old content is maintained.

Document Loading Performance Improvements

We've invested some time in this update to improve the loading time of opening your designs. On average, your documents should load much faster that previously.

Bug Fixes and Improvements
  • Fixed a JS error when editing a SmartField from the popup dialog
  • Fixed an issue which caused objects to change position following a snap
  • Fixed several errors when performing edits on text
  • Fixed a collaboration issue when highlighting text
  • Fixed an issue which caused logo to be truncated on share website
  • Fixed an issue which caused the Muli font to not be available / export correctly
  • Fixed an error when changing table color and then switching to text inside table and applying a color
  • Replace image from team assets will now take you back to the same folder again when repeated