Quote Originally Posted by handrawn View Post
I only see the one paste there, which is a question, maybe if you log in there is more?

as far as the question goes, what arrives on the retina is actually a blurry mess which the brain has to interpret based on experience; new born babies cannot interpret, they have to learn and it is said the first thing they learn to interpret is a face/expression [smiling hopefully]; it takes a while then gathers pace, like walking/talking

as far as the cows are concerned that's down to field of view and the learned context [short answer; long answer is.... long] - but the brain can be fooled off course, eg optical illusions

so yes, the way the viewer's brain/vision works is also a factor in all this - some people do not see in stereo for example because their eyes do not 'work together'
QEgg's article was it depends on how close you are to seeing a difference: Dougal and Father Ted had the same experience but in a more surreal manner. I am sure there is a YouTube snippet that will explain it all away.
