Hello, all, and happy Sunday.

I’ve just spent a fair amount of time looking through old threads to see if this has already been answered (because I feel like it must have), but I haven’t had any luck finding it.

I’m trying to get an element (actually, a logo that is an image over a shape) to appear in front of a sticky menu banner at the top of the page. The logo element will scroll up, so it is NOT sticky. As we all know, sticky objects always appear in front of everything else by default in Xara, so I need to override that default.

I have tried putting the element on a higher layer, but the sticky banner still covers it up.

I have tried assigning it an html class with << coding z-index: 99 !important; >>, but still no luck. Afterwards, I found Acorn’s very similar solution:

Quote Originally Posted by Acorn View Post
.xr_strb {
z-index: 99;
The response pertains specifically to stretchy objects. It does not carry over to non-stretchy / non-sticky objects (at least in my testing).

Has anyone come up with a solution to this problem?

Thanks in advance for any help.