I just downloaded the trial version of this prog after long experience of other WSYIWYG progs such as MS FrontPage and more recently Serif WebPlus, it doesn't look at all well organised. Having asked one question of them already, it seems that under Magix 'customer support' you can only ask additional q's AFTER the previous one is answered, but I don't have the luxury of twiddling my thumbs for a few days. So, can you please help me with a couple of queries?

I am 'lost' without any clear view of the website structure. How on earth do you decide which are parent and which are child pages, and if so can you re-organise them? In common with most progs, the 'help' facility is almost as useful as a chocolate teapot unless you already have the Xara-specific 'lingo'.

It is very weird to find there isn't even a demo website to practise on (the rudimentary page offered as an intro is laughably simplistic) and if I try to compile anything from the templates it bars me from access unless I buy the prog. Is there a 'free sample' written website I have missed, which I can access and play with?

In passing, note I also find the screen extremely cluttered so I have to add to the price of the prog at least 200 quid for a big screen - is this expected?

Unhappy, confused and thinking about re-instating the comprehensive MS FrontPage again together with a dedicated server.